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6 foods to avoid to manage diabetes

6 foods to avoid to manage diabetes

Food plays an important role in managing diabetes. According to several studies, the most severe and chronic diabetes cases and complications triggered by the condition are caused by the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods. These can increase insulin resistance and heighten blood sugar levels in the body. It is, therefore, important to learn about the foods that can worsen the condition.
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5 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

5 foods that worsen arthritis symptoms

Arthritis triggers inflammation affecting one or more joints. Symptoms include pain and stiffness that worsen with age, as there is no cure for the chronic inflammatory condition. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis are the most diagnosed forms in adults. In most cases, symptoms can be managed with changes in food and lifestyle and taking pain relief prescriptions.
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7 unhealthy foods diabetics should avoid

7 unhealthy foods diabetics should avoid

Food choices matter a lot when you try to combat a health condition. And diabetes is a chronic, long-term disease that needs to be managed with a combination of a healthy lifestyle and food choices. Quality sleep, an active lifestyle, and nutritious food choices can be rewarding for those with diabetes.
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8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

The human body breaks down sugar from food to release glucose, the primary source of energy. But excess sugar only leads to unnecessary calorie buildup. In fact, added sugars in processed foods harm the body by triggering spikes in insulin levels. It can also increase the risk of health complications like heart disease.
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Rheumatoid arthritis – Things to avoid to manage the condition

Rheumatoid arthritis – Things to avoid to manage the condition

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is the inflammation of joints, leading to cartilage degeneration. It is an autoimmune disease wherein the immune system attacks the body’s tissues and can be caused by the wear and tear of the joints. It is estimated that more than 20 percent, which is over 50 million people, get diagnosed with rheumatic conditions like arthritis.
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6 superfoods for lactating mothers

6 superfoods for lactating mothers

Lactating moms should fuel their bodies with the best foods so the child grows healthier. During the time of breastfeeding, the mother’s body is making milk 24 hours per day. Generally, breastfeeding moms feel hungry ever so often. This appetite comes from the energy the body polishes off for producing milk.
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