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Best treatment options for essential tremor

Best treatment options for essential tremor

Essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes a part of the body to shake involuntarily. This is due to an electrical brain activity being abnormal in the person. Essential tremor can affect any part of the body, but it is mostly seen in the hands. If there are signs of constant shaking while engaging in normal activities or while you are sitting idle, it is best to get it checked.
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Causes and symptoms of hashimotos disease

Causes and symptoms of hashimotos disease

Hashimoto’s disease, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is a condition where the immune system in an individual’s body turn against its own tissues. The primary act of the immune system of a person infected by Hashimoto’s disease is to attack the thyroid. This attack usually leads to hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid is unable to produce enough hormones.
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Recovering From Pancreatitis – Meal Plan and Suitable Foods

Recovering From Pancreatitis – Meal Plan and Suitable Foods

Pancreatitis is a condition in which the pancreas swells, starting abruptly and lasting several days. The condition’s onset is often triggered by digestive juices or enzymes attacking the pancreas. Several factors contribute to this disease, including the development of gallstones. People with pancreatitis experience severe pain in their upper abdomens, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
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Effective Ways to Get Instant Relief from Gout Pain

Effective Ways to Get Instant Relief from Gout Pain

Gout is a type of arthritis that primarily attacks the joints and other body parts like the ears, wrists, knuckles, knee, ankles, and other small joints. It is often characterized by painful swelling, stiffness, and inflammation of these affected joints. The swelling and stiffness are mainly the results of excess levels of uric acid forming crystals in the joints.
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Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

One of the most crucial micronutrients for our body is magnesium. Now you may ask what a micronutrient is. It is a chemical substance or compound which is required in trace amounts for the normal running of the body. Magnesium, being one of the many micronutrients essential to our body, is present in various sources that we intake daily.
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9 Natural Ways to Cleanse the Colon

9 Natural Ways to Cleanse the Colon

The human body is susceptible to various health problems, including those in the colon or the large intestine, a significant part of the digestive system. Some experts may recommend a range of management methods, including natural remedies that can help one learn how to cleanse the colon at home and address digestive issues.
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